Software Engineering Research Colloquium

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berger, Prof. Dr. Yannic Noller
Language: English
eCampus: 212165
Weekly Meeting: Wed, 11:30 - 13:00, MC 4.112

This research colloquium features presentations and discussions by and with group members and guests of the chairs of Software Engineering (Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berger) and Software Quality (Prof. Dr. Yannic Noller). The weekly colloquium focuses on the current research in software engineering and related areas. Also, it includes kick-off talks and final presentations of Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis, as well as presentations on ongoing research topics. Attendance is mandatory for all Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis writers. The colloquium is also intended for those interested in a Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis topic to drop by and discuss possible topics with us. If you are interested, please get in touch or simply come by and join us in person. See for more information.